Sunday, 31 July 2016
know how to be a great believer
The Great Before God
‘’Then the mother of
Zebedee’s sons came to him with her sons, kneeling down and asking something
from Him. And He said to her what do you wish? She said to Him ‘grant that
these two sons of mine may sit, one on your right hand, and one on the left, in
your kingdom’. But Jesus answered and said, you do not know what you ask. Are
you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and be baptize with the
baptism that I am baptized with? They said to Him we are able. So He said to
them you will indeed drink my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am
baptized with; but to sit on My left hand and on My right is not Mine to give,
but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father.’’ (MATT. 220;
One very
pathetic issues found among church folks is what I call another-person’s-
success phobia. This is usually why some head pastors of some ministries assume
Do- It all attitude in ministerial work because they do not want their
subordinate to become suddenly ‘greater’ than them. Others, while giving their
subordinates free hands to exercise what they got, are daily afraid that their
subordinates would one day become more celebrated than they. Only very few
people do not fall into these categories.
This article
attempts to explain what scriptural greatness is all about. This will be done
FACT ONE: greatness is not synonymous with performance or
gifting. You are not great because of what signs and wonders God has used you
for. If greatness is dependent on the miracles one has performed, I suppose
somebody like John the Baptist would have no space in the who is who in the
history of the church (John 11:11-15); if greatness was determined by numbers
of signs and wonders, Elisha would be greater than Elijah because Elisha
actually did times two of Elijah’s miracles, but contrariwise Elijah
represented the Prophet in the Mount of Transfigurations (Mark 9: 4).
FACTS TWO: the great is yet to be decided. Jesus told James,
John and their mother that only God would on the last day decides who and who
would sits on Jesus’ left or right hand (Matt. 20:23). This means that what you
do with what you have been given will determine if you are great or lily-hearted.
Your humility amidst the supposed great exploits would tell if you are great or
not (Cons. Matt. 18:4).
FACT THREE: greatness
is judged by assignments, mandate or ones’ place in God’s mandate. I made bold
to say here that if a child of God has not backslidden, his convert or
spiritual son can never or would never be greater than him no matter the
convert’s spiritual exploits. Those that do network marketing know this simple
fact. If God used Mr. A in any way to contribute to what Mr. B is now, Mr. B
can never, under any known spiritual laws, be greater than Mr. A, as long as
Mr. A is still a child of God. Michael the Archangel did not bring a railing
accusation against Satan because he still remembered that if Lucifer had not
fallen he was greater (Jude 9).
But were the two
people under study do not have this father-son relationship, assignment
matters. By assignment I mean how dear your focused ministry is to God. Some
people claim that God had made them Apostles of financial empowerment. I call
such ministry the Periphery Ministry (Cons. Matt. 6:33). Any pastor who is not
focused on ‘the kingdom’ mandate cannot be a great apostle.
The other aspect is
that the ministry you taught you are good at, did anybody pioneer it? You call
yourself a holiness preacher; did you not learn it from someone? You are an
apostle of faith, did you not learn it somehow? Before you come to the picture,
these pioneers must be considered. Moses was the pioneer of the law, so even
though he handed over to Joshua who could be said to have conquered more
cities, in the Mount of Transfiguration, Moses represented the law. What did
Abraham do uniquely that today we see him as the father of faith? Did he
perform any miracle? But he was the first to answer the call of God without any
examples to learn from. But today we have several people and the Bible to draw
from, so whatever exploit we do is not unusual (Mark 9:4). John the Baptsit
ministry heralded Christ Coming. Would you focus from today your ministry on
heralding Jesus’ Second Coming?
Above all we have mentioned, though, the
ability to remain unruffled and humble even when God is doing great things
through one still remains the strongest and the most viable parameter for
greatness. Remain HUMBLE!
know how to be a great believer
The Great Before God
‘’Then the mother of
Zebedee’s sons came to him with her sons, kneeling down and asking something
from Him. And He said to her what do you wish? She said to Him ‘grant that
these two sons of mine may sit, one on your right hand, and one on the left, in
your kingdom’. But Jesus answered and said, you do not know what you ask. Are
you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and be baptize with the
baptism that I am baptized with? They said to Him we are able. So He said to
them you will indeed drink my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am
baptized with; but to sit on My left hand and on My right is not Mine to give,
but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father.’’ (MATT. 220;
One very
pathetic issues found among church folks is what I call another-person’s-
success phobia. This is usually why some head pastors of some ministries assume
Do- It all attitude in ministerial work because they do not want their
subordinate to become suddenly ‘greater’ than them. Others, while giving their
subordinates free hands to exercise what they got, are daily afraid that their
subordinates would one day become more celebrated than they. Only very few
people do not fall into these categories.
This article
attempts to explain what scriptural greatness is all about. This will be done
FACT ONE: greatness is not synonymous with performance or
gifting. You are not great because of what signs and wonders God has used you
for. If greatness is dependent on the miracles one has performed, I suppose
somebody like John the Baptist would have no space in the who is who in the
history of the church (John 11:11-15); if greatness was determined by numbers
of signs and wonders, Elisha would be greater than Elijah because Elisha
actually did times two of Elijah’s miracles, but contrariwise Elijah
represented the Prophet in the Mount of Transfigurations (Mark 9: 4).
FACTS TWO: the great is yet to be decided. Jesus told James,
John and their mother that only God would on the last day decides who and who
would sits on Jesus’ left or right hand (Matt. 20:23). This means that what you
do with what you have been given will determine if you are great or lily-hearted.
Your humility amidst the supposed great exploits would tell if you are great or
not (Cons. Matt. 18:4).
FACT THREE: greatness
is judged by assignments, mandate or ones’ place in God’s mandate. I made bold
to say here that if a child of God has not backslidden, his convert or
spiritual son can never or would never be greater than him no matter the
convert’s spiritual exploits. Those that do network marketing know this simple
fact. If God used Mr. A in any way to contribute to what Mr. B is now, Mr. B
can never, under any known spiritual laws, be greater than Mr. A, as long as
Mr. A is still a child of God. Michael the Archangel did not bring a railing
accusation against Satan because he still remembered that if Lucifer had not
fallen he was greater (Jude 9).
But were the two
people under study do not have this father-son relationship, assignment
matters. By assignment I mean how dear your focused ministry is to God. Some
people claim that God had made them Apostles of financial empowerment. I call
such ministry the Periphery Ministry (Cons. Matt. 6:33). Any pastor who is not
focused on ‘the kingdom’ mandate cannot be a great apostle.
The other aspect is
that the ministry you taught you are good at, did anybody pioneer it? You call
yourself a holiness preacher; did you not learn it from someone? You are an
apostle of faith, did you not learn it somehow? Before you come to the picture,
these pioneers must be considered. Moses was the pioneer of the law, so even
though he handed over to Joshua who could be said to have conquered more
cities, in the Mount of Transfiguration, Moses represented the law. What did
Abraham do uniquely that today we see him as the father of faith? Did he
perform any miracle? But he was the first to answer the call of God without any
examples to learn from. But today we have several people and the Bible to draw
from, so whatever exploit we do is not unusual (Mark 9:4). John the Baptsit
ministry heralded Christ Coming. Would you focus from today your ministry on
heralding Jesus’ Second Coming?
Above all we have mentioned, though, the
ability to remain unruffled and humble even when God is doing great things
through one still remains the strongest and the most viable parameter for
greatness. Remain HUMBLE!
Saturday, 23 July 2016
check out this all-important book for today's church
i got a special christian book that traces the origin of the several inconsistencies in today's christian circle. check it out:*Version*=1&*entries*=0#nav-subnav
Friday, 22 July 2016
the origin of the mess in today's christiandom
Rivalry in ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, Nigeria because of who should be the General overseer; pastors turning supporters of gay, and the such like in today's church. Are you surprised these are happening? read this articles, maybe you would learn why the church is in this mess.
for more, get my book ''is the church reprobate?'' on
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In the book
of ROMANS, we see Apostle Paul describing the state of a set of people whom God
has subjected to reprobacy because of their willful rejection of God’s word. ‘’for the wrath of God is revealed from
heaven against all ungodliness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed
it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world
are clearly seen, being understood by the things which are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that when
they knew God, they glorify him not as God, neither were thankful; but became
vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible
God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed
beast, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness
through the lust of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between
themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served
the creature more than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this
cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change
the natural use unto that which is against nature. And likewise also the men ,
leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust one towards another;
men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense
of their error which was meet. And even as they did not retain God in their
knowledge , God gave them over to reprobate mind, to do those things which are
not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity;
whisperers, backbiting, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors
of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant
breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the
judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not
only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.’’ ROMANS 1:18-32. The above scripture painted a state of a
set of people whom God had rejected. The reasons for their rejection are as
They hold the truth in
unrighteousness. Verse18
They Glorify God not as God. Verse 21
They changed the truth of God into a
lie. Verse 25
Being reprobate is a spiritual state where one’s conscience or mind is
rejected by God, and therefore allowed to believe what it may. This state of
the mind is worse than the state of a sinner’s mind that has not come in
contact with the saving grace of Christ. (HEBREW 10:26-31). A reprobate mind is a
mind that has willfully rejected the infallibility of God’s word. Jesus read
the LAW and the PROPHET but never at anytime rejected any part of God’s
revealed words, but believed and even quoted them,( MATTHEW 5:17). But whenever a
believer comes to a state where he begins to rationalize God’s words, it is a
sure way to reprobate mind.
As one considers the rate at which pastor divorce and remarry these days,
and the trend at which unscriptural teaching is being peddled by pastors, one
is forced to ask if the church is now reprobate. Before we answer this
question, let us consider some basic scriptural facts.
The word, teachings, counsels of Jesus and the Apostles of Jesus Christ
form the New Testament. In EPHESSIAN 2:19-22, Paul identifies Jesus as the
CORNER STONE of the church, while the Apostles and prophets form the
foundation. This means that besides the word of Jesus, the Apostles’ teachings
and counsels are equally laws that every believer must obey. Therefore no level
of anointing should warrant the modification or rejection of any part of the
scripture, REVELATION 22:18, 19.
Any time a believer rejects or modifies the scripture willfully under any
guise, he or she automatically rejects the infallibility of God’s word. This act
could make God to reject such mind if the act continues. The evidence may not
show readily, only that such a person would sink deeper and deeper as he
attempts to modify or undermine more scriptural truths.
The Name of Jesus is an instrument for signs and
wonders for everybody, whether saved or not.....for more, get my book ''is the church reprobate?'' on
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Wednesday, 13 July 2016
is predestination biblical?
In my
undergraduate years, I discovered that the issue of predestination was so
controversial like it remain today, that many Christians lived in confusion and
disillusionment. Some Christians believe that God has already assigned who will
be who in this world. The base of this teaching is ROMAN 8:29.
It reads ‘’for whom he did foreknow, he did also
predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the
firstborn among many brethren.’’ The controversy is not derived from the
text as a whole but the word Predestination. The question is does God
predestine? Is Predestination biblical? Like we have said in the previous topic(get my book ''is the church reprobate?'' on,
only few people in the history of the world have preexistence before God. Examples
are Jesus, our Lord, Jeremiah, Josiah, etc. These few individuals preexisted
before God, because even before they were born, their names and acts were
already foretold by God.
Even before his birth, Prophet Isaiah had the privilege
to get several information about Christ. In ISAIAH 9:6, the prophet says of
Christ, ‘’for unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his
name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, the Prince of Peace….’’ Even while he was yet to be born, the
Prophets had already declared his acts. Read ISAIAH 53: 1-12. The same could be
said of Josiah the king of Judah, Jeremiah the prophet, etc. Read 1KINGS 13:2,
these few individuals, humans have no preexistence, so there is no way God
would determine who is who. If there is predestination, why would God regret
creating man in GENESIS 6:1? Would God not have known that man was going to
disappoint Him even before creation? Note that we are not trying to determine,
here, what God can do or cannot do. But we are only saying that human being,
you and I, came to life on a particular day, and assuming today is 27th
February, 2016, at 5.25PM, none of us has any life beyond that particular time.
argument thrown in by Predestination theory is prophesying and dreams. Some
people believe that the prophesy they received or dream they dreamed about
tomorrow or future is sacrosanct. That is not correct. There are people in
scriptures and outside scripture who had prophesies they never realized in
their life time. Prophesy and dream is simply a gradient or shadow-cast based
on our present positions. For instance, if Mr. A is standing at point D, His
shadow cast could simply be at point U. But if Mr. A changes position to point
W, his shadow would definitely change from point U. If point U was to be
success, now that Mr. A had changed position, would he still be successful? The
answer is no. so dream or prophesy is not an attempt for God to allocate destinies;
it is simply a sign post as to the suitability or otherwise of your present stands
or position.
Ohimai Daniel, +2347032452945
Monday, 4 July 2016
on 3rd June 2016, the Justice of Osun State High Court gave a judgment that permitted female Muslim students in Osun State Secondary Schools to use hijab with their school uniform. In protest of that judgment, the Christian Association of Nigeria, Osun chapter asked their Christian children to wear robes to school.
To me and many others, the action of CAN was purely hypocritical. The protest was misplaced when you consider what CAN allow in churches. If CAN could allow half-naked women to go to church 'the way they are', is it then not out of jealousy for the same CAN to protest a decent dress in school? If you disagree with me, kindly say so.
on 3rd June 2016, the Justice of Osun State High Court gave a judgment that permitted female Muslim students in Osun State Secondary Schools to use hijab with their school uniform. In protest of that judgment, the Christian Association of Nigeria, Osun chapter asked their Christian children to wear robes to school.
To me and many others, the action of CAN was purely hypocritical. The protest was misplaced when you consider what CAN allow in churches. If CAN could allow half-naked women to go to church 'the way they are', is it then not out of jealousy for the same CAN to protest a decent dress in school? If you disagree with me, kindly say so.
Friday, 1 July 2016
The most disturbing anomaly among Christians and Christian’s
leader is the recent reckless way the so called believers engage in divorce. Be
it initiated by a wife or a husband, divorce in purely unbiblical, and anybody
who has engaged in it must do restitution before such a one would make it to heaven.
Jesus clearly made it clear that Moses’ law about divorce was only for those
with hardness of heart, and no hard- hearted person would ever make it to
The question of
divorce was clarified by Jesus in MATTHEW 19:4-11. It reads
‘’And He answered and
said unto them, have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made
them male and female, and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and
mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So then,
they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together,
let no man separate. They said to Him why then did Moses command to give a
certificate of divorce, and to put her away? He said to them, Moses, because of
the hardness of your heart, permitted you to divorce, but from the beginning,
it was not so.
‘’And I say unto you, whosoever divorces his
wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another commits adultery; and
whosoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.’’
A number of issues
are raised in this Bible passage:
divorce is not part of God’s program. Moses is not the last authority of the
church but Jesus. Read JOHN 1:17 ‘’for
the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus.’’
CHILDREN OF ISRAEL LACKED GRACE. The bill of divorce was actually a ploy by
Moses to make divorce more complicated, so that those who had already made up
their minds could have a rethink when they consider the legal process involved.
FORNICATION. Who commits fornication? One who has not already made the MARITAL VOW?
Like Mary and Joseph; Joseph thought that Mary had committed fornication when
he discovered she was pregnant, and so he thought within himself to put her
away privately. That is the only circumstance divorce is allowed. The lady had
just been betrothed; no marital vow had been involved. Read MATTHEW 1:18-21.
Betrothal is similar to
today’s ENGAGEMENT, but by the Jewish law, stronger.
So once a MARITAL VOW has been taken, marriage is irreversible, whether
the vow was made in error or not. Read what PSALM 15: 4b says: ‘’He who swears to his hurt and changes
not.’’ Whether the marriage is favorable or not they must endure. But
unfortunately, the end time Church is teaching otherwise. Even when Jesus
clearly said, EXCEPT SEXUAL IMMORALITY, Pastors are fashioning several other
reasons for divorce.
Jesus’ words on adultery in verse 9 does not mean that Jesus supported
separation without remarry. No. in that verse Jesus was delving more into other
sins that divorce could lead one to. So divorce is a separate sin with or
without remarry.
Like I said in my book, IS THE CHURCH REPROBATE? (The book is available
on AMAZON.COM), many Christians claim to be ignorance of what the Bible says
when they are on their way to being reprobate. In 1st CORINTHIANS 7:
15, Paul says ‘’But if the unbeliever
departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such
cases. But God has called us to peace.’’ Note from this Bible passage that
a marriage that is properly contracted by Christians is BONDAGE, a vow. But where
one marries when one was yet unbeliever, Paul said any vow made at that point
could not be said to be binding, particularly when such a partner wants a
separation. But Paul cautioned: ‘’ but if
she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And
a husband is not to divorce his wife.’’ 1CORINTHIANS 7:11
Divorce is a sin, whether it was initiated by the woman or the man. In
fact, before a woman files to divorce a man, the man had already divorced the
woman in his heart, and so such a man is already in sin. How do I know? Read 1 TIMOTHY 5:8 ‘’But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those
of the household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.’’
This means that every man must provide for his partner sexually, morally,
financially, etc. once this is done, the other partner would not have any moral
ground for divorce. Even when the partner is hell bent on divorce, the child of
God must do the unimaginable. Be humble enough to beg your partner.
They are all guilty before God and His Word, and only RESTITUTION can
save them
Remember lastly that this
teaching is not for everyone. It would be taken by those it is meant for,
MATTHEW 19:10, 11.
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