issue of tithing, to some Christians, has been over-hyped by present day
pastors. For that reason, many have simply boycotted the payment of their
tithes. Though I may agree with these set of people in the area that tithing
was never an issue in the early church, yet I also disagree with those of them
who feel tithe should not be paid at all. No, Jesus, though, had problem with
how much the Pharisees laid emphasis on it to the detriment of ‘weightier
matters of the law’, yet He clearly states, ‘’…these you ought to have done
without leaving the other (tithing) undone.’’ (Emphasis mine, Matt. 23:23b). So,
leaving tithing undone is a violation of Jesus’ injunction.
this write up is an attempt in exposing a vital issue about tithing that our
pastors have neglected. And that is the issue of how to use tithe. A closer
look at Malachi 3:10, shows clearly why God requested the Israelite to pay
their tithes urgently. It says, ‘’that there may be meat in my house.’’ Very
unfortunately, our pastors quote Malachi 3:10 to cause worshipers to bring in
their tithes, but refuse to use the tithe for the purpose for which it is
Note that no leader of a church is expected to pay salaries to its
pastors. Salaries are paid in a business organization. The church is not the
General Overseer’s business enterprise, so no GS should pay salary to its
pastors. The provision of God for the pastors is the tithes. Like it was done
in Nehemiah’s time, tithes are supposed to be gathered and shared among the
pastors. (Read Neh. 13:10-12). Tithes are not used for church buildings or the
GS’ ministerial trips. Jesus says tithes should be paid so there would be food
in the house of God.
case of church buildings, ministerial trips, etc, there are other provisions
like free will offerings, seeds, etc made for that.