Tuesday, 7 July 2020


WHAT: this is the process of helping to advertize a company’s product using your links, to earn commission. Most international companies needs affiliate marketers to help take their products to their contact for a commission.
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED AS AFFILIATE MARKETER. As an affiliate marketer, you need audience, the people you need to introduce the product to. This means you must be active on the social media: face book, twitter, Instagram, etc. To be active means you should have a considerable number of followers in every of your social handle. Create a blog where you discuss the use and importance of the product. Publish useful post on your blog or social media regularly so as to garner enough followers. Create a Facebook page, fan group, etc
WHAT MORE: note that as an affiliate marketer, you are not paid for visitors you introduced to your parent market, but for those visitors who ends up buying. Therefore, the affiliate marketer must do sufficient research on the product he is selling. Publish such research as an authority. Convince your followers sufficiently to buy from your host. Note: your focus should not actually be on your host but on the product. Choose HEALTH PRODUCT, BABY CARE, ETC.
CREATE AN AFFILIATE ACCOUNT: log onto the website of any international company that sells what you want to advertise. Scroll down to AFFILIATE. CLICK on it to create an account. A link would be given to you. Get back to wherever platform you want to advertise your product, then COPY AND PASTE.
OR BETTER STILL, log on to AMAZON.com, create and account as an affiliate. You would be given options to choose from variety of products. Copy and paste your sales link on your website for would-be customers to click on.
FINALLY: you can actually make money from affiliate marketing when you are committed. Remember that if people are doing it, you can. Except nobody is actually doing it.
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