Monday, 5 June 2017


While reading GOD’S GENERALS by Roberts Liardon, I found the misuse of this term. In Liardon’s attempt to justify Kathryn Kuhlman’s divorce of Waltrip, he labeled those who frown at divorce as self-righteous people.
    First, the term self-righteous is never used in relation to believers. Self-righteous is a word used in reference to people who have not accepted Jesus as the way out of sin, that is those who still think that even without Jesus there ‘good works’ is accepted before God (Acts 10:1; Rom. 10:1). But once a person has received Christ, whatever act of righteousness he/she does, whether considered by other Christian group as extremism, is an act onto God. Such does not qualify to be referred to as self-righteousness. For instance, Paul did not call those who refrain from meat in Corinthians church as self-righteous people, but he said their act was onto God (1 Cor. 8:8-13).
   Even Jesus commended, in his teachings, those who made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom sake. He never saw them as self-righteous people. If they were, what about Samson, who was asked never to drink win or cut his hair? What of William Braham, according to the the account of Liardon in the same book?
  Dedication and commitment defers, and Christians must know this and stop the name callings among it folds. Like I use to say, you can’t be called to be a Nazarite and then begin to leave as ordinary Jew.

EVANG. Ohimai Daniel

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