Saturday, 27 August 2016


 In my last post, i did promise that i was going to reveal more rules on keeping good health by Gospel Ministers. In that post, we looked at the first rule, and that was the fact that most time bad health is irreversible. We said that is the reason we must try as much as we can to keep good health.
   Today we shall consider one more rule in addition.  

 Image result for picture of an athleteImage result for picture of an athlete

 RULE TWO:   Beware of self
   When most times God’s ministers think except they are there to do this or that assignment, nobody else would do it, it’s just being selfish, and self-centered. It is not true that when you take just a week out for rest, the church would not function adequately; neither is it true that when we take a leave as God’s children, we are being lazy or faithless.
   A pastor that have been walking non -stop for three good months, what is wrong if he/ she takes an interval leave of a week. It is the best thing to do.
   Delegate that task. It is the best thing to do. How do you feel that Jesus would leave the Church in the hand of Peter without been worried that he would mess it up? Jesus spent just three years with His disciples, and afterward was confident they could manage themselves. Why then can’t we put someone else in charge for just a week to recuperate? It is the best thing to do.

 RULE THREE: In Rest, You lose nothing..... these rules, about ten or more, are contained in my book, 'Health Tips for Gospel Ministers'. Get it on
   Do you think of any important health tip? please share on the comment box. thank you.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016



This is by-far the most interesting characteristic of faith I have ever known. But unfortunately none of our faith teachers I know have talked about it. To be adventurous means to try alternative ways. The ADVANCE LEARNERS DICTIONARY defines it as ‘’willing to take risks and try new ideas; enjoy being in new and exciting situation.’’
  For a believer to lay claim to faith, he or she must be adventurous. I mean the child of God must always make attempt to prove the word of God. let’s take for instance when the scripture asks us to ‘’heal the sick, cleanse the leper, and raise the dead’ as recorded in MATTHEW 10:8 , a supposed child of God would join in going to burry a young man who just died, or we look the other way when sick people litter his church. You know the problem of such a child of God?  Faithlessness off course! Some believers would even want God to speak to them afresh before they take any move to disgrace the devil in such circumstance. They don’t want shame. If I pray now and nothing happens, how would my people see me? Because of fear of the unknown, they allow those they could have helped in perpetual misery. To be adventurous is to take ‘risk’. Do not mind the shame. Why would you even think about shame when you are not God?  Or have you made your congregation believe you are God? The word is God’s. Why not allow Him to glorify His word?
     To understand this aspect of faith better, let us consider two biblical examples. When the children of Israel were to cross over Jordan Joshua told them something. Let’s consider what Joshua advised, ‘’and it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests who bare the ark of the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that come down from upstream, and they shall stand as heap.’’(Joshua 3:13)
    Could you imagine God asking the Priests to step into the water before the water would loss it source from upstream? What if that point they were to place their legs was dark, and unclear? Or what if that point was deep? Couldn’t that be a kind of risk? But Joshua has already told them by the word of the Lord that the priests must first put their legs in the water before it would divide. That is how God works. If you believe what you have asked has been granted already, then you shall have it.
   Another interesting scenario was Moses and the rod turned serpent. After Moses was asked to drop his rod so He could show him (Moses) the sign that He (God) was the one talking to him, the rod turned to a serpent. Moses was shocked and ran away from it like everyone would do at the sight of a serpent. But surprising, God asked Moses to pick the serpent by the tall for the serpent to return back to the rod. Touch a snake by its tail? What do you think about that? What if the snake did not turn back to a rod, and bite him? May we please read EXODUS 4:4? It reads ‘’then the Lord said to Moses reach out your hand and take it by the tail (and he reached out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand.’’
   Testimonies are replete of people who took such ‘risk’ for God, and God never disappointed them. A friend prayed for a dead relation for almost 2 days before God revived the dead. Spiritual elders had counseled him to just take heart and bury his brother. But he insisted that his brother must return to life. He prayed continuously for close to 2 days before God responded. The apostles took risk in one of the occasions when they tried to cure the epileptic. (Read MATTHEW 17:14-21). Although they did not get a positive result, but learnt a lesson that we all benefit from today: ‘’However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting’’ (MAT. 17:21).
   The late Ache Bishop Benson Idahosa started his unbeaten ministry with adventurous faith. He once shared an experience that in one of the preaching of his pastor, the pastor told them that God said they could heal the sick and raise the dead. After the message, he asked the pastor if what he said during the preaching was true, and if he (the pastor) had raised the dead before. The pastor being a sincere person told him he had not raised the dead before but that the word of God said so.
 Knowing the infallibility of His counsels, (HEBREW 6:17) the late Ache Bishop went out with his bicycle looking for the dead to pray back to life. He eventually found one which he prayed over for hours. But the good news was that at the end, the dead revived.
  What would you say about that, overzealousness? It is faith. Faith cannot see the sick without acting. Faith can never stay calm in the church when sick people are coming and going. Faith is active and highly adventurous.
     But unfortunately, today we hear people talk about re-bounce of sickness. I still remember an epileptic young man who fell headlong close to my seat one Sunday in church. Everybody gave way. Off course, if an epileptic patient touches you, you can become epileptic. That is the fear today in churches. It is because of the absence of faith in the people. When you believe what God has said in His word, you must take the required ‘risk’.

    2 )       FAITH IS PATIENCE
One erroneous belief among young energetic believers of today is that they are always on the run.
    Do you know of another faith principle? please share on the comment box. thanks.
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Thursday, 18 August 2016


                             WHAT GOD CANNOT TELL YOU

I recently stumbled on an interview granted a very notable Nigerian Evangelistic and charismatic pastor by a Nigerian newspaper. If the Nigerian daily newspaper was right, the pastor gave a detailed account of how he thought God was calling him, or rather asking him to separate from his formal ministry.
     In his account, he explained how God gave him a dream where he appeared taller and his chest wider than his pastor’s, and another great Nigerian holiness preacher. In the pastor’s explanation, God was simply showing him that he would be greater than those preachers.
   In my blog post ‘’how to be great before God’’, I explained that greatness is not synonymous with performance, and that greatness is not decided now. So there is no way God would pre-determine greatness. That post is recommended for every child of God.
   Today, as a matter of follow up, we shall consider WHAT GOD CANNOT TELL YOU. Very few things people of God claim that God tell them are going to be looked at, and why I thing and know that God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, cannot tell anyone such things.
It is quite possible for to tell His child of the extent He (God) would used such a person, and possibly use another Minister as a yardstick; but He cannot not tell you that you would be greater than the person. Please know that PERFOMANCE is not GREATNESS (check my post ‘’how to b great before God). The reason is that God does not compare, and it would be wrong of God to sow the seed of comparison in His child heart (cons. 2cor. 10:12). God could possibly also tell His child that he would be greater than one of the father of faith who is no more, but not of somebody alive. The reason is same as stated above.
    Dream, it should be noted here, is 90 percent what goes on in our minds; not really that God is speaking to us (cons .Eccl. 5:3). If you dream that you are greater than another person, check your thought. Have you not been thinking so lately? The best thing to do in such circumstance would be to ask God to cleanse you because the seed of pride has been sown.
   Once, I had repeated dream of immorality. Anytime I woke up from the dream, I bound and loosed. But the dream persisted, not until I decided to confess lost. That was the end of that dream. Praise God!
   I was once troubled by a dream where I saw my mom chasing me angrily from the house repeatedly. I always woke up from that dream with tears. On several occasions I cried for God to take the dream away, but to no avail. ‘What does God want me to do, if my mom is my problem, if He cannot help me?’’ , that was always my complaint and question. The ugly dream lasted until I made a conscious effort to understand the timing of the dream. After much effort, and several years of the dream, I came to discover a link between one of my sinful acts then and the dream. I repented of the sin, and that was the end of the dream.
    Dreams are always symbolic. My mom in my dream was simply the symbol of love because at that time, she was the only one I had in the world. God was using that dream to inform me that if my mom could turn against me, He could do likewise when I continue in my sinful act.
   I have heard stories of people killing their parent because of my kind of dream. Why would God tell you who are troubling you? What will you do about it? Kill the culprit? That can’t be my God.  The much MY FATHER would do is to tell you there is a war to fight, no more no less. The battle is His (2 Chron. 20:15).
   See you on the winning side!








OHIMAI DANIEL, +2347032452945

Wednesday, 17 August 2016



As the ministers of God, our need for good health cannot be overemphasized. We need health in order to fulfill our God-given ministries, and also to be alive for our families. Our children, wives or husbands need us even as the church needs us. We cannot but keep ourselves healthy to remain relevant to both God and man.
    Wisdom, I have discovered is the most important tool the minister has for the ministry. Little wonder Proverb advised ‘’in all your getting, get wisdom.’’ We need wisdom in a time like this in the history of the Church than we ever needed it. Wisdom would guild us on how to match our physical well being to our pursuit of ministerial fulfillment.
     The essence of this POST is to outline some useful rules that would guild everyone that cares about remaining healthy, and particularly the ministers in pursuit of ministerial fulfillment.

 RULE ONE: Most times battered health is non-reversible!
        Like I explained in my book ‘’IT IS ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH’’, one very important principle of faith is wisdom. We must know his because often, children of God wish away statements like this that seems to ‘emanate from faith’. Because the average believer would quick to ask: do you mean to say God cannot reverse health challenge? That is not what I mean. What I mean is that most times as we learn from history and several Biblical accounts, any mistake made health wise is almost usually non-reversal. Let’s take a clue from Paul’s experience. Apostle Paul had a notable health challenge that many Bible commentators have talked about. Paul wanted the evil taken away. But look at what he got from God
    ‘’My grace is sufficient for you’’ What would you make of that? I supposed that reply of God to Paul’s request of healing could easily be paraphrased thus: my son, you just have to bear it. You call that unkind? Not, at all. How do we expect God to, any way, take away what we could have prevented by mere application of wisdom, or just by being wise a little.
RULE TWO: Beware of self......MORE TO COME.
Your comment would be appreciated.