Wednesday, 17 August 2016



As the ministers of God, our need for good health cannot be overemphasized. We need health in order to fulfill our God-given ministries, and also to be alive for our families. Our children, wives or husbands need us even as the church needs us. We cannot but keep ourselves healthy to remain relevant to both God and man.
    Wisdom, I have discovered is the most important tool the minister has for the ministry. Little wonder Proverb advised ‘’in all your getting, get wisdom.’’ We need wisdom in a time like this in the history of the Church than we ever needed it. Wisdom would guild us on how to match our physical well being to our pursuit of ministerial fulfillment.
     The essence of this POST is to outline some useful rules that would guild everyone that cares about remaining healthy, and particularly the ministers in pursuit of ministerial fulfillment.

 RULE ONE: Most times battered health is non-reversible!
        Like I explained in my book ‘’IT IS ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH’’, one very important principle of faith is wisdom. We must know his because often, children of God wish away statements like this that seems to ‘emanate from faith’. Because the average believer would quick to ask: do you mean to say God cannot reverse health challenge? That is not what I mean. What I mean is that most times as we learn from history and several Biblical accounts, any mistake made health wise is almost usually non-reversal. Let’s take a clue from Paul’s experience. Apostle Paul had a notable health challenge that many Bible commentators have talked about. Paul wanted the evil taken away. But look at what he got from God
    ‘’My grace is sufficient for you’’ What would you make of that? I supposed that reply of God to Paul’s request of healing could easily be paraphrased thus: my son, you just have to bear it. You call that unkind? Not, at all. How do we expect God to, any way, take away what we could have prevented by mere application of wisdom, or just by being wise a little.
RULE TWO: Beware of self......MORE TO COME.
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