Saturday, 29 October 2016




 Few month ago, precisely, 23rd Sep. 2016, Ketu-Adaloko road was commissioned by the Lagos state government as one of its 114 new constructed roads contrary to the expectation of dwellers of Ketu and Adaloko communities. According to them, the road was only done half way, there was no outlet created for the erosion water. Their belief was that once serious rainfall set in, the condition of the road would get worse, and thereby rendering every labour on the road useless.
   Very true to their speculations, right now, just two months after commissioning, the road is completely impassable by both pedestrians, motorists and the keke users.
   According one of the pedestrians who complained to this reporter, ''before now we used to trek this road from Ketu to Adaloko if we do not feel like boarding keke. But now look at the road. They have spoiled everything for us.''
   Pastor Mike, a pastor of one one the churches whose building is presently being endangered by the failed road appealed to the Lagos state governor to please come to their aid. According to him, ''since this road was like this many people have not been coming to church. Is this not a danger? (pointing to a gully in front of his church). Let the governor please return to finish the road because our lives are been endangered by it. We are begging him.''

Wednesday, 5 October 2016



The church is a spiritual house where spiritual laws operate. These spiritual laws must be taken seriously. One of such law is found in Hebrew 7:7. There, Apostle wanting to proof that Melchizedek was greater than Abraham refers to how the former bless the later. And Paul went on to say, ''without controversy, the less is blessed of the greater.
  This is a strong spiritual law church founders who want their children or wives to succeed the must be wary of. Don't make your child who was born while some elders in the church were already pastors to become their head. it is confusion. Elders are those who must be appointed to head the church. How do you know elders since it is not by age or how long? You know those to give leadership positions through these three ways:
   1) By casting a die. The Apostles in Acts 6 used this method. Although traditional, it is more reliable than hand-peaking. Casting of die could mean, in our present time, secret or open balloting.
   2) Asking from God. Since we all assume to hear God, this method is more reliable. This process was used in the choice of David. Remember that despite the anointing upon Samuel, he made a wrong choice (cons. 1Sam. 16:4-13).
    3) Using those who grow through the ranks. This was the method used in Acts 6 by the Apostles in the appointment of deacons. Use those who have served over the years, the experienced ones.
     These are the three biblical methods of appointing Christian elders. Never you place your child or wife over there superior. It is spiritually unhealthy. Their academic attainment or eloquence does not matter. This is a spiritual matter, and ‘no one takes the honour upon himself.’ (Heb. 5:4).
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Tuesday, 4 October 2016


  Most times we over- beat our children because we think they are stubborn. No. Your child does not know as you think he/she does. He/she does not understand the implications of what he/ she does. Do you still remember you did even more than you flog those children about? You did it then not because you were stubborn, but because you did not know the much you know today; you did not know the implications of those acts on you and your guardians. But today, you understand better and may never want to remember those acts again.
    Do you remember you don't even understand why your husband/ wife does somethings you hate sometimes? Because you do not operate in the same level of understanding. He/ she view that subject differently. It is the same with children. In fact they operate in a very low capacity of knowledge compare to you. That is why you are sometimes so irritated by their actions.
    The Bible tells us that foolishness is bound up in the heart of children. It says the rod of correction would drive it away. What is the rod of correction? It means correction based on this knowledge that your children do what they do because they know very little (read Prov.22:6, 15).
Your children are not possessed by some evil spirits, neither are they actually stubborn. They don't know much. Therefore beat them mildly. Use the cane sparingly. Beat them with love if you must do, and that when you are less angry, not when you are furious. Ensure you explain to them why you beat them.
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Don't make your child fear you

                        WHAT YOU MUST NOT DO TO YOUR CHILD
Another thing you must not do to your child is DON'T MAKE HIM/HER FEAR YOU. What you need from your child is honour and respect. These are earned and not enforced. Fear has torment and when a child is subjected to it, he/she finds it difficult to learn. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that when your ward is afraid of your, they would respect you. They respect rather when they love you, and love is not enforced but earned.
       Make your children love you by showing them the reasons to obey what you tell them. Share your own stories with them in a loving atmosphere.
Apart from its tormenting effect, fear makes children prone to mistakes. They would brake the breakable plates, fall the baby, unintelligible in speech, stumble, etc. Academically, they would loose confidence, feel inferior and unloved, stammer, and fail exams.
        Allow your kids to contribute freely on discussions at home. Ask for their views before taking any decision that concern them. Teach them to respect everyone and to fear nobody.
Note lastly, fear is not of God. Teach your children confidence because it pays to be confident. Remain a good parent.
    Do you think of any other thing we must not do to the child? Please share.
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THE CLASSROOM: What is a noun?

                              WHAT IS A NOUN?
A Noun is the name of anything. Just think about anything, call its name: school, church, car, farm, road, teacher, advice, patience, bottle, etc. Note, words like reading, singing, dancing could be a Noun and also a verb. For instance, you can say 'reading is good' or 'I am reading'. The first 'Reading' is a Noun, whereas the second is a verb.
     The first sentence could be translated as 'something is good'. Remember we say a Noun is the name of anything. Here that something is 'reading'
In the second sentence, the reading is an action being performed. So it is a verb.
In sentences, nouns always appear before the verbs, and they form SUBJECTS of the verbs.

     ASSIGNMENT: Identify the Nouns in this passage
Mr Ojo loves his wife. They live together happily in Magodo. Their family is a lovely one.
There are 5 Nouns in the passage. Identify them.

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Are 'Grace preachers' truly struggling with sin?

The major work, functions or sides of Grace revealed in the Bible are
   1)    God’s forbearance or patient with sinners. The first function, side or work of Grace is that it covers the sinner temporary from the wrath of God against sin. Note that we say, ‘temporary’. That means God would certainly judge sins and sinners. This could be understood from Paul the Apostle’s remark: ‘’ shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?’’ (Rom 6:1). This would be better understood in ECCL. 8:11. It reads: ‘’because the sentence against evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of men is fully set in them to do evil’’.
   2)    God’s empowerment to abstain from sin. This is what Paul in Titus when he says:’’for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in the present age…’’ Grace is that seed of God that gives you dominion over lust and sin (Cons. 1 John 3:9).
    3)    Strength to achieve the unimaginable. Grace also empowers you to achieve great life result. It empowers you to fulfill God’s dream and will for you ( see 2cor. 12:9; Acts 4:33).
But very unfortunately many of our Grace preachers focus on the first step of Grace. Step one is actually for sinners or backsliders. Like our heading points out, I just hope those Grace preachers are not simply like my friend who just because he fell into fornication which he could not disengaged from for years suddenly turned into Grace preachers?  We just need to re-examine yourself. Read my books on

Sunday, 2 October 2016


It is true that the Jehovah Witness is a very interesting Christian group, evangelical, and deep in the knowledge of God’s word. And every member of the group, whether literate or otherwise goes around propagating with enthusiasm what they know or have been taught.
     But in spite of their great ‘insight’ in God’s word, they seem to be so much carried away by the non essential or less essentials (cons. Matt 23:23). It should be noted that Jesus and the apostle taught only one thing, and that is ‘repentance toward God and Faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ’. Paul makes it clear that any teaching outside Jesus’ redemptive death is a non consequential subject in the school of salvation (1cor. 2:1, 2). I say this because all my Jehovah Witnesses friends bank so much on these non essentials to the extent of relegating any person or a group of Christians who does not see the issue with their eyes.
    (Note: my intention here is not to disproof any of Jehovah Witnesses preoccupations; rather every of their teaching is assumed to be the truth).
      Few of such issues or preoccupations are
  1)     Where do the dead go? Knowing what happen to the dead has nothing to do with your eternal destination. Whether humans die like fowls without soul or goes upward as many believers believe has no consequence on the person’s destiny eternally.
  2)    There is no burning hell. Like I told a friend, hell fire may just be a state of eternal separation from God rather than a place with physical fire. This is just an assumption, so its correctness or otherwise could not change my eternal destination. What matter is SALVATION FROM SIN.
  3)    Paradise would be on earth; the earth would not be destroy
  4)    The sign of true believer is preaching from house to house so we are the true Christians. The Pharisees equally preached like Jesus, but just that theirs was hypocritical and done in sin. If any Christian likes, let him/ her turn the street to his house, as long as such a one is still making practice of any form of sin, such a one would not see the kingdom of God.
  5)    There is no soul
  6)    Saturday is the true day of worship, not Sunday.
  7)    We don’t get involved in politics, even when many of them have sympathy for some government officials
  8)    We don’t celebrate birth day. My friend would not even dare to accept the cake of his friend who was celebrating birthday, even when he sips lot and lots of alcohol.
  9)    We don’t eat dead animal or strangled meat, etc, etc
  Though it is actually commendable that Jehovah witnesses could forgo these many things for Christ’s sake, yet these do not make anybody a Christian. These practices, if they are observed without banking on them as evidence of salvation. it would be commendable; but using them as reasons for disparaging other Christian groups is damning.