A Noun is the name of anything. Just think about
anything, call its name: school, church, car, farm, road, teacher,
advice, patience, bottle, etc. Note, words like reading, singing,
dancing could be a Noun and also a verb. For instance, you can say
'reading is good' or 'I am reading'. The first 'Reading' is a Noun,
whereas the second is a verb.
The first sentence could be translated as
'something is good'. Remember we say a Noun is the name of anything.
Here that something is 'reading'
In the second sentence, the reading is an action being performed. So it is a verb.
In sentences, nouns always appear before the verbs, and they form SUBJECTS of the verbs.
ASSIGNMENT: Identify the Nouns in this passage
Mr Ojo loves his wife. They live together happily in Magodo. Their family is a lovely one.
There are 5 Nouns in the passage. Identify them.
ohimai daniel
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