Sunday, 2 October 2016


It is true that the Jehovah Witness is a very interesting Christian group, evangelical, and deep in the knowledge of God’s word. And every member of the group, whether literate or otherwise goes around propagating with enthusiasm what they know or have been taught.
     But in spite of their great ‘insight’ in God’s word, they seem to be so much carried away by the non essential or less essentials (cons. Matt 23:23). It should be noted that Jesus and the apostle taught only one thing, and that is ‘repentance toward God and Faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ’. Paul makes it clear that any teaching outside Jesus’ redemptive death is a non consequential subject in the school of salvation (1cor. 2:1, 2). I say this because all my Jehovah Witnesses friends bank so much on these non essentials to the extent of relegating any person or a group of Christians who does not see the issue with their eyes.
    (Note: my intention here is not to disproof any of Jehovah Witnesses preoccupations; rather every of their teaching is assumed to be the truth).
      Few of such issues or preoccupations are
  1)     Where do the dead go? Knowing what happen to the dead has nothing to do with your eternal destination. Whether humans die like fowls without soul or goes upward as many believers believe has no consequence on the person’s destiny eternally.
  2)    There is no burning hell. Like I told a friend, hell fire may just be a state of eternal separation from God rather than a place with physical fire. This is just an assumption, so its correctness or otherwise could not change my eternal destination. What matter is SALVATION FROM SIN.
  3)    Paradise would be on earth; the earth would not be destroy
  4)    The sign of true believer is preaching from house to house so we are the true Christians. The Pharisees equally preached like Jesus, but just that theirs was hypocritical and done in sin. If any Christian likes, let him/ her turn the street to his house, as long as such a one is still making practice of any form of sin, such a one would not see the kingdom of God.
  5)    There is no soul
  6)    Saturday is the true day of worship, not Sunday.
  7)    We don’t get involved in politics, even when many of them have sympathy for some government officials
  8)    We don’t celebrate birth day. My friend would not even dare to accept the cake of his friend who was celebrating birthday, even when he sips lot and lots of alcohol.
  9)    We don’t eat dead animal or strangled meat, etc, etc
  Though it is actually commendable that Jehovah witnesses could forgo these many things for Christ’s sake, yet these do not make anybody a Christian. These practices, if they are observed without banking on them as evidence of salvation. it would be commendable; but using them as reasons for disparaging other Christian groups is damning.

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