Thursday, 22 November 2018

'My mother cooks better than my wife'

My mother's food is sweeter than my wife's

In Africa, this is ue usually what almost all married men believe. Just today, I overheard a young man relieving how delicious his mum's food used to taste nicely. When I heard that compared to my own experience which is quite the same plus many of such tales, I considered and discover the following
1) you were born into your mother's food. Whatever she cooked was what you eat whether sweet or not
2) your tongue taste buds became used to that food
3) what ever anybody cooks nomatter how good would not taste in your mouth like your mum's
4) the only food you enjoy must be your mum's or the one cooked like your mum's.
     So stop thinking your mum is the best cook. Her food is only best to your taste. Appreciate your wife's food.

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