Monday, 10 December 2018

Dr. Paul Enenche's Dome and the Judaic spirit- a reflection

Dr. Paul Enieche' Dome and The Judaic Spirit
 In Bethany, the Bible records that a Mary poured a very costly ointment on Jesus to the chagrin of Judah who exclaimed: 'why was not this oitment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?'' (Jn 12:1-6). John records that his statement was not because he  cared  for the poor, but because he was a thief (v 9)
   This Judaic Spirit has become quite alarming. People hardly seen why good things should be given to God instead of the poor. Whereas in Ezra, people of God wept when they compared the glamour of Solomon's temple with the one just built. They cried because they knew God's house for glamour and beauty. But today people want God to be worshiped in shanties.
    Besides how many of those who want money to be shared to the poor really bother about the poor? What have they done for the poor themselves?
   Jesus told Judas, 'the poor you will always have among you". Do you know what that means?  If you leave your life for the poor, you will never have them enough. Who will ever tell you he/ she is rich when it comes to parting with a sum. That is why the Bible says, those who are poor, even what they have will be taken from them and given to the rich.
   Lastly, no Christian is considered poor by God. That is why Christians are enjoined to give not to receive. Any Christian who lives his life on give me is not fulfilling his Christian calling.
  Let's  appreciate those who make lots of personal sacrifice to see that God get the best

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