Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Our pastors need to do this

What more we need from our pastors
  Whenever our pastors claim to teach the Kingdom principles, only one thing they majorly refer to. That is the principle of giving. But a close look at those who are actually successful among the church folk will reveal that the pastors actually told them more than he tells the congregation. Take for instance the pastor's child, if giving is the only thing needed to be rich while then does their fathers pay their school fees, and even send them to overseas for studies? If giving is truly all needed,  pastor's children should simply make that a profession and forget education.
  Even some times, pastors go to the extent of handing over a loved one to an employer for a good employment. Yet they sometimes tell their congratulations that where they work is not important.
  Do I mean that giving is not a kingdom principle? Far be from it. What I mean to say is that pastors need to do more; they need to be more practical to their flocks. Sometimes they dwell so much on theory until the congregation is practically confused. Is that really how they handle their ward's carriers, education or mentorship? I don't think so.
  Just last year, for instance, some churches were alleged to have lost millions in MMM. But assuming MMM was really a good investment opportunity, how many pastors who knew about it would tell openly their congratulations about it? The best many pastors would do was to tell a few of their close friends. Yet they are teaching prosperity principle.
  Our pastors surely need to do more. Instead of gathering crowd every week for prayer and fasting, tell the brethren what to do. Tell them about the business you or your son is doing. How long did your own son had to fast to gain employment?
  But quite pathetic, some pastors tell their congratulations about their business only when it is networking, the one they would benefit from. If we can't be truthful to our congregation, let's go home.

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