Saturday, 20 July 2019

Prophet Muhammad was a Christian!

Prophet Muhammad was a Christian
 If you are an Islamic bigot please let me explain before you term me a blasphemer. Over the years I have had to wonder why a prophet Muhammad would be regarded as anti Christ when he has actually said great things about Jesus. I see no reason why prophet Muhammad would paint Jesus in such superlative terms and yet was against Christ. But through personal study I have discovered that wicked people who hide under religious have actually tried to create discord between the Christians and Muslims.
  Now according to the Bible, there three major beliefs that makes one a Christian. They are 1) believe that Jesus is Christ ( Matt 16:15-19), 2) believe that Jesus died and rose again ( Rom 10:9), 3) believe that Jesus came in the flesh ( 1john 4:3).  If these are the major prerequisite, then let's consider what is written in Suraj 19 about the birth of Jesus:
And remember Mary in the Book, when she withdrew from her family to an eastern place. And she veiled herself from them. Then We [God] sent unto her Our Spirit [the angel Gabriel], and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man. She said, "I seek refuge from thee in the Compassionate [i.e., God], if you are reverent!" He said, "I am but a messenger of thy Lord, to bestow upon thee a pure boy."

She said, "How shall I have a boy when no man has touched me, nor have I been unchaste?" He said, "Thus shall it be. Thy Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me.’" And [it is thus] that We might make him a sign unto mankind, and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter decreed.

So she conceived him and withdrew with him to a place far off. And the pangs of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date palm. She said, "Would that I had died before this and was a thing forgotten, utterly forgotten!" So he called out to her from below her, "Grieve not! Thy Lord has placed a rivulet beneath thee. And shake toward thyself the trunk of the date palm; fresh, ripe dates shall fall upon thee. So eat and drink and cool thine eye. And if thou seest any human being, say, ‘Verily I have vowed a fast unto the Compassionate, so I shall not speak this day to any man.’"

Then she came with him [the infant Jesus] unto her people, carrying him. They said, "O Mary! Thou hast brought an amazing thing! O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not an evil man, nor was thy mother unchaste." Then she pointed to him [Jesus]. They said, "How shall we speak to one who is yet a child in the cradle?"

He [Jesus] said, "Truly I am a servant of God. He has given me the Book and made me a prophet. He has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live, and [has made me] dutiful toward my mother. And He has not made me domineering, wretched. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised alive!"

That is Jesus son of Mary— a statement of the truth, which they doubt.
  Now in the quotation above, the Quran agrees that Jesus was born of Virgin Mary. An Angel was sent to her from God. That simply means Jesus was from God.If Jesus spoke as an infant, it means he was Divine. He even said 'God has giving me The book', not a book. Muhammad says he believed Jesus  even though the Jew did not. Our passage above also talks about Jesus's death, resurection, and second coming to deal with the Al- malsi al Dajjal (anti-christ).  While will Muhammad talk about anti-christ if he does not believe Jesus is the Christ?
      A Muslim scholar spoke of Jesus thus:
From the water of Mary or from the breath of Gabriel,
In the form of a mortal fashioned of clay,
The Spirit came into existence in an essence
Purged of Nature's taint, which is called Sijjin (prison)
Because of this, his sojourn was prolonged,
Enduring, by decree, more than a thousand years.
A spirit from none other than God,
So that he might raise the dead and bring forth birds from clay.
   Now take note of the word 'the Spirit came into existence", just like it's stated in John 1, the word became flesh.. like l maintained in my last post, Prophet Muhammad specifically asked his followers to consult the Bible on any confusing issue. Muslims may not believe that Jesus is the son of God. That is actually not as important as believing Jesus is the Christ. It is the latter that counts in salvation.
  In conclusion, I advise all Christian to read the Quran for themselves and discover that many of their beliefs about Islam are wrong. And I also encourage the Muslim to read the Quran more objectively, and they would discover that prophet Muhammad was actually a Christian, and the hatred that brew between both religion are the handwork of sinners.

Friday, 5 July 2019

What the church should appreciate about the teaching of Prophet Muhammed (peace be to his soul)

What prophet Muhammed, peace be to his soul, told Muslims.

 The Truth is that right from generation past, there is this enmity that has existed between the Jews and the Arab, an effect of the separation between Isaac and Ishmael, Abraham sons. Out of all the prophets that would have risen from the Arab world, prophet Muhammed is the most true and holy prophet. Even up till date, because, many Christians and Muslims alike do not understand the assignment of prophet Muhammad, the so called rivalry still persists. For instance, the Isis Muslims, till date continue to see the Christian as people to be eliminated. Also, I see Christians sometimes expressing bias in the rancour between the Jews and the Palestinians.
  Now, Prophet Muhammed, like I said earlier is a kind of John the Baptist in the Bible, sent to introduce Jesus to the Arab. And he did that faithfully without prejudice. Prophet Muhammed, in his entire narrative, never spoke Ill of Jesus. In fact, in one of the Koran verses he told how Jesus moulded a bird from the clay, and gave life to it. To me that is the best way to express and confess the Lordship of Jesus. Prophet Muhammed, according to the Koran may defer in the account of Jesus's resurrection. That is understandable because, according to the book of Matthew, the most reported account of Jesus resurrection among the Jews was that Jesus' body was stolen, that means he died and got rotten. But prophet Muhammad has a kinder report when he states that Jesus escaped from his executors.
  Besides the wonderful insight given by the great prophet Muhammed about Jesus, he told his followers to consult the Christians when ever they were in doubt of his teachings. Hallelujah!
  What the generality of the Muslims should know is that prophet Muhammad has done his beat, like John the Baptist in introducing them to the saviour. He has umbiasly told the fact that Jesus was the greatest of all the prophets ever. Prophet Muhammed, like many Jews, may not have understood or talked about the godship or sonship of Jesus. Yes, like it's true of all TRUE prophets not to talk about what is not revealed to them, prophet Muhammed has done the right thing by sticking to what God told him, or what he believed. What is the most important for salvation for mankind is the fact and belief that Jesus is the Saviour, the one that gives and can give life. The prophet Muhammed has faithfully expressed this in his teachings. The Muslims should therefore do like the deciples of John the Baptist, who after Jesus was introduced to them by John, left John and followed Jesus, the one that gives life.
   Also the Christian should understand that prophet Muhammed was fairer to Jesus than many Jews today. They must begin to love him, his followers, and find a way to help them understand the teachings of Jesus. That's what prophet Muhammad told his followers. It might be true that many of the Muslims faith are using Koran to support their wickedness. Christian must know that it happens among them too. It has always been the tactics of the devil. Apostle Paul said so in Acts 20. He said, grevious wolves will enter in among you, ...
  Lastly, as Jesus clearly shows in the parable of the Good Samaritan and the incidence of Conelius, God continues to love any body who shows little love at heart for him no mater how the person serves him meanwhile. How could someone take the pains to avoid stealing, adultery, go around with veil, even in uncomfortable condition, if such a one does not love God? We must do like Paul, in 1cor. 10, he says, ' I bear them record that they have the zeal of God', therefore, he prayed for them.
  Take this: there are Muslims that are more 'christian' that the Christians.
  God bless you

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

My take on the Pastor Fatoyinbo- Busola Dakolo Impasse

On the Pastor Fatoyinbo and Busola Impasse
 Among the arguments raised by people who felt Busola should not have done what he did are: she might be lying, she is judging, she is saying it late, it's not a rape, etc. If Busola is lying, her judgment is sure. But if not every other positions are flawed. As for whether it was a rape, I think it is because as at the time, the lady was still considered underaged. As for keeping the matter secret, I think Busola and her husband have done the right thing. Or what do you think as a man when your wife confesses to you of a sexual relationship with a lecturer, landlord, employer, etc, while she is still under those people? The appropriate thing to do is to remove your wife from under those people or expose your wife and her partner.
 Sexual sin is a cankerworm that only shame removes. If pastor Fatoyinbo did it when he was a sinner it would be manageable. If he were not her pastor, it could be understood. But now the case is opposite. If Busola and the pastor are to be truthful, we would discover that there was still 'connection' between them even years after the act.
   Our people delight so much in cover up, and we are worse of with it. Proverbs 28:13 asks us not to cover our sins. I suppose every Christian out there should praise the courage of the couple for taking this shame, and starting a wind that would wash the church of lots of dirt. I think by this act I and all Christians would be more careful and responsible. And possibly do every outstanding restitution needed.
  But some may say while didn't they (Busola and the husband) do it in house? In house is good when the pastor isn't the head of the church. Besides, when a pastor is 'randy', the likelihood is that more than 70 percent of his inner cacus would be. If ( recall our position is on the premise that the pastor did it) the pastor takes this public shame in good faith, I can bet it that sooner than expected, he would become a reference point in Nigeria. He is better of that million of  church workers hiding their sins in the  name of protecting  status. Once again, I say big thanks to Busola and hubby.

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Pastoring and its burden (3)
 One major problem with the church today is that pastors entice followers instead of converting them; they make men proselytes instead of allowing God to give the deciples. When a pastor focuses on gorgeous dresses, painting, hair-do, social activities with the aim of drawing followers, he would end up having hypocrites all around. Some would-be deciples asked Jesus to show them where he stayed, and he plainly told them, 'the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.' But today it's a 'sin for a pastor to be temporarily homeless.
   The truth is that salvation is a spiritual thing and only God can give it. There are usually three kinds of people in every church: those who come for breakthrough, those who are saved  but lost their first love, and those who come for salvation. The first two sets are always bothered about how prosperous their pastors look, the kind of clothes he wears and the ambiance of the church. But the last set is only interested in one thing: the word.
  To me the last set are the most important. Or do you think Jesus did not know that Judas had backsliding? He knew. But did he seek to please him? Know. The pastors who despiratly aim at owning a private jet, private universities, wearing of outlandish garments only seek to please the first two sets of church goers.
  A man who needs salvation does not care to know the clothes, shoes, houses and cars his pastors owns. In fact, I can categorically state that many politicians in Nigeria today would take the word of some village Nigeria preachers seriously more than the so- called big Nigeria pastors today. Motivational talk, comedy, gorgeous dresses do not make Christians but church goers.
  Another error made by pastors is believing that charity giving make believers. It is not only the error of pastors but also the believers. That is why so called Christians accuse churches of not giving (publicly). Giving, to the believers, is like a public social responsibility. It is not what make one a Christian or what make church good. Also Christians are not the object of giving, but the giver. In other words, Christians are the people to give and not the other way round. The only set of Christians that are to be helped are the widows and the handicapped. Paul advised all other Christians to work hard so they can help the outsiders .

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Career Opportunities in NNPC

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Monday, 25 February 2019

18 states plus FCT, APC leads PDP with 1.5m votes

The presidential result so far
State.            APC                 PDP
Nasarawa.   289903.        283847
Indo               241769.        275901
Kogi.               285894.       218207
Gombe .         402,2961.   138484
Abia.               85058 .         219698
Yobe.             497914.       50765
Fct                   152224 .     259997
Ekiti .               219231.      154032
Osun .             347634.       337377
Kwara .           308984.      138184
Ebonyi .          90726 .       258573
Enugu .            54,423 .     355553
Kaduna.         993,445.      649612
Anambra.       33,298.        524,738
Jigawa .          794,738.      289895
Niger .             612,371 .     218,052
Adamawa.      378,078 .     410266
Oyo .                 365, 229.     366690
Bauchi.             798,428.     209,313

Total.         6,952,308  5,359,182
Dif.         1,593,126

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Why you Must not contemplate divorcing your partner

I listened to the message of a respected man of God recently where he insinuates that woman was not in the original plan of God at creation. And that  the Idea of a woman came up because God needed a companion for the Man.
   That is not totally correct. Rather woman was only Separated not Created when there was need for companionship. Now let's read Genesis 1:27: ' so God created man in his own image...' who was Man here? Read further: ' the image of God created he him, male and female created he them?' Of course, the 'man' referred to in Genesis 1: 27-31 is the male and the female.
  How to understand this is to think of creatures that can reproduce without mating another kind. That means such creatures could fertilize self. That was the original plan of God for man. So the Man that God created originally was male and female in one. It was lone man.
    But in Genesis chapter 2, God discovered that the lone man was not good ( Gen 2:18).
   However, though man would now be twain, God still decided that his original plan could still work. That brought the institution of marriage: ' ... therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they shall be one flesh', according to the initial plan (Gen 2:24)
   Therefore in Matthew 9:6, he warns, '... What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.'
   Even if a man must divorce his wife, it must be at the point of engagement not after marital vows ( Matt 19:9).
  Lastly this would also help feminists to understand that whenever God uses the word 'man' in the Bible, both male and female are referred to.

When your pastor die in a questionable circumstance or young

Many great men of God have died in questionable circumstances over the years. Hence the church  seemed to take this phenomenon as normal just because those involved in such  death were acclaimed men of God, even when they died unprepared. Very many people take solace in the fact that their man of God spoke indirectly about death before they died. But I am saying here that speaking about death doesn't make the sudden death of any man of God normal. From the examples of Paul, Peter, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, etc, it is crystal clear that the norm is awareness, then preparing both the church and immediate family; and then divulging same to the congregation. Anything outside this is abnormal. It must be that the said man of God derailed. And at such the members of such a congregation ought to prayerfully find out what happened. It is dangerous for such a congregation not to ask God to know if their pastor's death has any thing to do with doctrinal issue, because some doctrines attract premature death, and may sway such church permanently away from God, except it is discovered. The only way, therefore is to ask God why.
  In my recent post, I made it clear why God would not kill false prophets readily as stated in the parable of the wheat and tares. That even though Christ knew the damage the tares would cause to the wheat, he chose to leave it to avoid a greater damage- the discouragement of the believers in that said false prophet (Matt 13:27-30). Now tell me, if God did not kill the false prophet just for those who are Christians because of that man, why then would he kill or allow a genuine servant of his to die premature?
   One very problem with the church today is that it takes the experiences of her G.Os as truth instead of God's word. the Bible says of Moses that his eyes didn't grow dim at the age of 120 (deut 34:7). That is the norm. If you don't have it so as a pastor, still make your people know that that is the norm. Your partial blindness at 50 notwithstanding. It could be that your eating habits was wrong at childhood.
  Sometimes also you hear some pastors extole short life span. They even give examples of great people who died young. The promise of the Bible is long life. So I don't want to know that G.O. who died young (Ex 20:12). I know someone would argue and say 'what about the apostles. Did they all live long'? Now you must understand the position of the apostles in the Christian faith. The Bible calls them the pillars of the church. Even at Judgement, they would join Christ. Their experience were ordained to be similar to Christ's. Besides they were clearly aware of their deaths. That for another time.
  Now, what cut short, most times, the life of a man of God is doctrinal deviations- heresies. I was not aware of this until I listened to the last messages of some men of God who died in such circumstances, particularly, the pastor who died in plane crash. He preached that Christians ought not to concentrate their preaching on Christ but the kingdom. He said Christ is just the way, not the kingdom, so should not be the focus of Christian messages. That preaching is damning, and any people who believe that would surely miss heaven.
  What is the kingdom of God? Is it not Christ? The Bible says Christ is the end of all things. Christians are not praying for the kingdom; they are already in the kingdom. Jesus says, he that believeth in him has (not Will have) eternal life (Jn 3:15-18). The old testament is simply a shadow of Christ. Every thing promised in the old testament is fulfilled in Christ including the kingdom. So Christ is the only message of the church. Every other ones are simply specifics.
   Popularity is good but dangerous. God may not be so concerned when you preach in a local church. But when you are using gadgets that makes you reach greater people, be careful what you preach. Many pastors would surely do restitution before they die because of many errors they have spread due to arrogance. Be wise.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Pastor Sunday Adelaja's jabs against Nigerian pastors

Pastor Sunday Adelaja's Elijah Challenge: an infantile display of a suppose Man of God.
   Every believer ought to know that God does not  have any thing to prove when it comes to mortals. It is true that in the Old testament, there are cases where God needed to do something strange to prove and disapprove his servant and enemy respectively. But that happened in the Old testament. In fact, even in that Old testament, such cases were few.
  So it becomes quite aberrant to see Sunday Adelaja saying that the only way the Nigerian pastors he is criticizing would prove him wrong was for them to pray that their God should kill him. Wow! Where did pastor Sunday get that from? Didn't the people who smote Jesus ask him to prophecy who was smiting him? Even when Jesus cried Eli, Eli... did the people not say, 'let us see if Elijah would deliver him'? Was that not a challenge? Did God show up? The fact that he (God) didn't, did it make the people right and Jesus wrong?
  Today, the boko haram is throwing a big challenge to the Nigerian pastors: if your God is true let him stop me. What has pastor Sunday done about this challenge?
 Now, when Elijah threw a challenge for the prophets of Baal, he did not just rejoice that Baal could not send fire, he showed his God was the real by sending fire. What I want pastor Sunday Adelaja to do is now that his challengers could not prove their God by asking him to kill pastor Sunday, let pastor Sunday now prove his own God by helping us, those of us, the flock, he claims to help, make this Nigeria pastors go dumb. If he can do that, I will believe him. After all, why should he allow 'agents of Satan' keep deceiving the people of God.
 In addition I want pastor to please help us tell his God to stop boko haram in Nigeria before February. In fact, if he does that I promise all the Christians in Nigeria will turn to hear him. This is a candid promise.
  There may be some issues with some pastors in Nigeria, but criticism is not the way out. In fact, criticism has never been a biblical option. Jesus has promised to bring his church to perfection in Eph 5:25-27, and Matthew 3:12. This would only be achieved through the word spoken in love. I want pastor Sunday Adelaja to know that nobody forsakes his father because of some ill spoken by some stranger about him. The only people that would subscribe to Adelaja' s jabs are the visitors in those churches. So pastor Sunday Adelaja is likely making enemies than he thinks he is making friends.
  A word is enough for the wise.