Tuesday, 2 July 2019

My take on the Pastor Fatoyinbo- Busola Dakolo Impasse

On the Pastor Fatoyinbo and Busola Impasse
 Among the arguments raised by people who felt Busola should not have done what he did are: she might be lying, she is judging, she is saying it late, it's not a rape, etc. If Busola is lying, her judgment is sure. But if not every other positions are flawed. As for whether it was a rape, I think it is because as at the time, the lady was still considered underaged. As for keeping the matter secret, I think Busola and her husband have done the right thing. Or what do you think as a man when your wife confesses to you of a sexual relationship with a lecturer, landlord, employer, etc, while she is still under those people? The appropriate thing to do is to remove your wife from under those people or expose your wife and her partner.
 Sexual sin is a cankerworm that only shame removes. If pastor Fatoyinbo did it when he was a sinner it would be manageable. If he were not her pastor, it could be understood. But now the case is opposite. If Busola and the pastor are to be truthful, we would discover that there was still 'connection' between them even years after the act.
   Our people delight so much in cover up, and we are worse of with it. Proverbs 28:13 asks us not to cover our sins. I suppose every Christian out there should praise the courage of the couple for taking this shame, and starting a wind that would wash the church of lots of dirt. I think by this act I and all Christians would be more careful and responsible. And possibly do every outstanding restitution needed.
  But some may say while didn't they (Busola and the husband) do it in house? In house is good when the pastor isn't the head of the church. Besides, when a pastor is 'randy', the likelihood is that more than 70 percent of his inner cacus would be. If ( recall our position is on the premise that the pastor did it) the pastor takes this public shame in good faith, I can bet it that sooner than expected, he would become a reference point in Nigeria. He is better of that million of  church workers hiding their sins in the  name of protecting  status. Once again, I say big thanks to Busola and hubby.

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