What prophet Muhammed, peace be to his soul, told Muslims.
The Truth is that right from generation past, there is this enmity that has existed between the Jews and the Arab, an effect of the separation between Isaac and Ishmael, Abraham sons. Out of all the prophets that would have risen from the Arab world, prophet Muhammed is the most true and holy prophet. Even up till date, because, many Christians and Muslims alike do not understand the assignment of prophet Muhammad, the so called rivalry still persists. For instance, the Isis Muslims, till date continue to see the Christian as people to be eliminated. Also, I see Christians sometimes expressing bias in the rancour between the Jews and the Palestinians.
Now, Prophet Muhammed, like I said earlier is a kind of John the Baptist in the Bible, sent to introduce Jesus to the Arab. And he did that faithfully without prejudice. Prophet Muhammed, in his entire narrative, never spoke Ill of Jesus. In fact, in one of the Koran verses he told how Jesus moulded a bird from the clay, and gave life to it. To me that is the best way to express and confess the Lordship of Jesus. Prophet Muhammed, according to the Koran may defer in the account of Jesus's resurrection. That is understandable because, according to the book of Matthew, the most reported account of Jesus resurrection among the Jews was that Jesus' body was stolen, that means he died and got rotten. But prophet Muhammad has a kinder report when he states that Jesus escaped from his executors.
Besides the wonderful insight given by the great prophet Muhammed about Jesus, he told his followers to consult the Christians when ever they were in doubt of his teachings. Hallelujah!
What the generality of the Muslims should know is that prophet Muhammad has done his beat, like John the Baptist in introducing them to the saviour. He has umbiasly told the fact that Jesus was the greatest of all the prophets ever. Prophet Muhammed, like many Jews, may not have understood or talked about the godship or sonship of Jesus. Yes, like it's true of all TRUE prophets not to talk about what is not revealed to them, prophet Muhammed has done the right thing by sticking to what God told him, or what he believed. What is the most important for salvation for mankind is the fact and belief that Jesus is the Saviour, the one that gives and can give life. The prophet Muhammed has faithfully expressed this in his teachings. The Muslims should therefore do like the deciples of John the Baptist, who after Jesus was introduced to them by John, left John and followed Jesus, the one that gives life.
Also the Christian should understand that prophet Muhammed was fairer to Jesus than many Jews today. They must begin to love him, his followers, and find a way to help them understand the teachings of Jesus. That's what prophet Muhammad told his followers. It might be true that many of the Muslims faith are using Koran to support their wickedness. Christian must know that it happens among them too. It has always been the tactics of the devil. Apostle Paul said so in Acts 20. He said, grevious wolves will enter in among you, ...
Lastly, as Jesus clearly shows in the parable of the Good Samaritan and the incidence of Conelius, God continues to love any body who shows little love at heart for him no mater how the person serves him meanwhile. How could someone take the pains to avoid stealing, adultery, go around with veil, even in uncomfortable condition, if such a one does not love God? We must do like Paul, in 1cor. 10, he says, ' I bear them record that they have the zeal of God', therefore, he prayed for them.
Take this: there are Muslims that are more 'christian' that the Christians.
God bless you
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